Diagnosed With Cancer?

You're in the Right Place!

Often there is fear, panic, and rushing into toxic treatments that can have devastating long-term effects on one’s health. Take a deep breath and read this first to understand the big picture of treatment options.


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A Fresh Perspective on Health from a Pharmacist

"The BIG-LIE Big Pharma Tells You About Cancer.

  • Have you been diagnosed with or want to prevent cancer?

  • Are you overwhelmed with information and treatment options?

  • Would you like to understand the big picture of cancer in an easy-to-read format?

  • Are you seeking to address your health challenges on all levels, including; body, mind, spirit, thoughts, and emotions?

  • Do you want to understand what you can expect from, as well as the limitations of our Western Medicine Healthcare System?

  • Would you like to address your health on all levels and do whatever it takes to heal?

  • Do you want to know more about the holistic approaches to treatment?

Now you can align yourself with someone who understands your struggle.

Each step you take will bring you closer to good health and healing

I’m Dr. Leyla Ali and I’d like to personally welcome you to my website. I am a pharmacist and author of

Off Balance, The American Way of Health, A Pharmacist’s Perspective on Why Drugs Don’t Work.

My mission is to help people understand the limitations of doctors and drugs, and to inspire people to seek alternative and holistic healthcare solutions.

I want people to see—so they truly understand—that for most chronic conditions, doctors and drugs offer temporary relief at best.

In fact, there are many chronic health conditions considered “incurable” in Western Medicine that can be better treated with natural or holistic healthcare solutions.

Real people. real results.

What others say about us

"Enjoying Dr Ali’s career and insight on medication usage in US healthcare & pharmacy objectives. An easy informative read. Highly recommend."

- Teresa

"A friend sent me a copy because I was recently diagnosed with cancer. I just started reading it and was overcome by how insightful the author's understanding and her in depth study of every aspect of cancer was coved. From causes and how you decide to think and feel about. It informs on everything from health, emotions, and your very soul. I highly encourage anyone with cancer, or if you know someone with cancer to read this book and find so many answers and helpful information. I wrote notes on many of the pages and this book will be my life-Long companion."

- Robert and Andrea

"I really found this book helpful. It gives a historical perspective on healthcare in this country. I'm so glad this kind of information is getting out there! I also found the personal profiles interesting."

- Lois


Dr. Leyla Ali

I’m Dr. Leyla Ali and welcome to my website.
I’ve worked as a pharmacist for over 20 years, and worked in pharmacies for over 25 years. As a pharmacist, I always worked to help customers find the safest and most effective drug treatment.

But over the years, I’ve seen many people’s health slowly deteriorate over time as they took more and more medications. I then started learning about holistic and alternative healthcare options. I was surprised and disappointed to find there are safer and less costly alternatives for several health conditions and diseases that my customers were struggle with for years.

For example, patients spend thousands of dollars per year on diabetic medications, and live a restrictive quality of life, having to test blood sugar several times a day as well as stick to a strict diet. They also take several medications that are expensive, have severe side effects, and don’t serve to heal, but only suppress the symptoms.

Yet diabetes often can be reversed in a matter of weeks.

I also learned that people often seek the latest and greatest new drug on the market. But the truth is these new drugs most often put profit over health, and they are not the solution that patients hope them to be. Our medical system needs to return to the forgotten basics of health, including body, mind, spirit, thoughts, and emotions.

My mission is to help people understand the limitations of doctors and drugs, and to inspire people to seek alternative and holistic healthcare solutions. I want people to see—so they truly understand—that for most chronic conditions doctors and drugs offer temporary relief at best.

And I also want to show there are a variety of holistic and natural solutions for many health conditions that medical doctors are only trained to assist with prescribing medications.

  • Are you seeking holistic and alternative healthcare solutions but don’t know where to start?

  • Are you looking for better solutions for your health and wellness?

  • Do you end up with a new prescription with every health issue or complaint?


Choose your path


Diagnosed with Cancer Report

So You've Been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You're in a Panic Handbook - a free report.


Diagnosed with Cancer Handbook

So You've Been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You're in a Panic Handbook - an Overview of Options.


Off Balance, the American Way of Health

A Pharmacist's Perspective on Why Drugs Don't Work,
author and pharmacist Dr. Leyla Ali's shares her unique perspective of a failing healthcare system in a colorful and easy-to-read format.

1 on 1 coaching

Coaching experience

I now aim to help people learn that there are holistic and alternative solutions for most chronic medical conditions, and I also hope to inspire people to empower themselves to take control of their health


Join the online Movement

Dr. Leyla Ali's goal is to not only show people the limitations of doctors and drugs, but also to inspire people to search for better solutions, and also to create guidelines and pathways for those seeking alternative and holistic healthcare options.

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